
Monday, January 25, 2010

A Domestic Spending Freeze! That's the Ticket!


It just gets worse. Now the Bright Eyes at the White House have come up with this really, really neat plan to defuse "populist anger" and win the upcoming elections. You betcha, also.

The spending freeze would apply to a relatively small portion of the federal budget, affecting a $477 billion pot of money available for domestic agencies whose budgets are approved by Congress each year. Some of those agencies could get increases, others would have to face cuts; such programs got an almost 10 percent increase this year. The federal budget total was $3.5 trillion.

Even better, in the State of the Union speech coming up, His Serenity will propose doubled tax credits for child care, making college loan payments "more affordable," more federal money for child care, some tweaks to make retirement savings easier, some additional money for elder care at home.

So that's good.

No jobs programs. No debt relief for households.

Oh, and what about that Grand Plan for congress to pass the worst aspects of the HCR bill and get those crammed down the throats of the long-suffering masses? Apparently it's been scrapped, and I won't detail it here, but the very idea that it would be floated shows how tin our Rulers' ears continue to be.

Just a reminder: Obama's grandmother who raised him was the vice president of a bank, his father was a Kenyan economist who abandoned his family in America when Obama was very young, and his mother was an anthropologist often absent herself. He himself is a millionaire many times over.

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