
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Delivering the Goods for the Wealthy and Powerful

During the course of the Health Care Debacle ("I'm not dead yet!") we've all been privileged to witness the process of sausage making on behalf of our Betters. Over and over again. It's no secret that the process has been tailor made to serve the interests of the Stakeholders, while specifically, directly and deliberately conceived and convened to exclude the voices and the interests of the People -- except to the extent they are controlled to mirror those of Stakeholders. It's been quite a revolting display, but the only ones actively in revolt are the TeaBaggers and their various sponsors.

Oh, the -tarians and their ilk mouth off all the time, but, apart from the LaRouchians, they don't actually do anything about what's going on. It's all about The Perpetual Argument, you know.

Apparently everyone else is just so grossed out, they have to turn away. Pretend it has nothing to do with them, keep their heads down and their noses clean, and maybe, if they're lucky, this storm too shall pass.

Not on a bet.

Because the Health Care Sausage is stalled in the Senate due to the election of The ItBoy to Ted Kennedy's Seat, there are all these plans afoot to break it into pieces and pass parts of it here and there, thereby letting it "incrementally" grow over time.

The point, as always, is to condition the People to accept delivery of more of the good to the wealthy and powerful rather than to resist.

With the TeaBagging Revolution in the vanguard, success is assured.

Because the TeaBagging Revolution is the only Voice of the People that is being heard by Our Rulers behind their Palace Gates they are content to loot and pillage at will.

Since no one they need pay attention to is objecting, why shouldn't they?

Of course there are objections to specific outrages, but the absence of any comprehensive policy prescription to counter the actions of the Plutocrats, the absence of any "leftish" ideology to counter the wingnuts' "philosophy", and the absence of any political will to do anything but fuss around the margins of what Our Rulers are determined to do (ie: continue the pillage unmolested) is a sad commentary on how far we have fallen.

When most of the so-called "Left" can't even think in terms of Liberal Policy prescriptions to current catastrophe but can only imagine themselves mitigating some of the worst of it, we're all in very deep doo doo indeed.

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