
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Live at the Demonstration


UPDATE: 11:19 am -- Stream again online. Internetcasting earlier video from in front of the jail.

UPDATE: 11:17am -- Stream is off line. Officer asked for a moment with the videographer.

UPDATE: 11:15am --Amazing. An officer is explaining to one of the people who were arrested last night that the order banning them from the Plaza for the rest of their natural lives is bogus, and they need not adhere to it. "The order was issued in error." And they always wish to correct errors.

All but one of the arrestees have now been released; the one who has not been released is being processed for release now.

UPDATE: At 11:00am on Friday, the demonstrators are at the jail waiting for the release of their comrades. Looks like it's going to be a while longer. Five were released earlier this morning.

It's a bit past 11:00pm on Thursday when the plaza was supposed to be closed for the night and everyone would have to leave.

Arrangements were made with the police for all the demonstrators to leave except for about a dozen or so who had volunteered to be arrested. There were also volunteer legal observers and photographers. About 100 people were to stay outside the plaza, marching around the plaza, but not chanting or singing.

Came 11:00 all that fell apart. Those in the plaza sat down, those on the sidewalk started chanting, got louder and louder, and now everyone is just waiting for the police to do their thing.

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