
Friday, July 16, 2021

Side Note on the Insurrection

I don't know that I've even mentioned the January 6 Storming of the Winter Palace on these pages, but it's not for a lack of interest. The whole thing has to do with the notion that the Government of the USA is frail and fragile and brittle and truly easy pickings for the likes of the Ubermenschen who want so badly to take over.

Out here in the wilderness we have what I can only call cells of would-be Ubermenschen arming up and meeting together to strategize what to do when called by Higher Authority. Do they seize the water tower? The Animal Control truck? How about storming the community center? The tire store?

I don't know what they're doing really. All I know is that there are plenty of them, and they like the idea of being heroes for a cause they think is just. They have their reasons. No one else may agree with them, but they have their reasons, and they believe in their own righteousness -- as well as the evility of practically everyone else.

I was doing a drive by of nearby places just to see what's new. Counted five new residences, oh my. But I also saw ten places where the US flag was flying where I hadn't noticed it before. I know some of them have been Trumpist gathering places since before the 2016 election. But others, no.

There was a time when I saw big ol' truck driving around with Stars and Bars, but not now. Instead, we see trucks with US flags flying, and now houses and barns and gates and such flying flags, too. Just the US flag, no Stars and Bars, no Trump flags. Long after the 4th of July.

"Patriots," right?

Even in the wilderness....

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